Most books about film directing focus on the many technical aspects of production, on lenses and cameras, and are guides to image size, shots, and angles. This is all useful and undeniably practical. Without a working knowledge of these basic elements no director can function effectively in such a highly technical medium. But there is a deeper understanding of the nature of directing that is essential for anyone who sets out to make a film. Specifically it is an examination of the craft of cinematic story telling. This book is addressed to the director, but hopefully these techniques will shed light not only on what the director is doing, but also help those who work around her to understand and more fully enter into the process of creating a film.
It is the task of the artist to present the grand vision, but the big picture is made up of the specific details. The most nuanced effect derives from the most particular perceptions. This book is a catalogue of the building blocks of that vision as the work moves from intuition to well considered choices.